Did not receive reset password email

I did not receive any reset password email. What should I do?

If you forgot your password and have been trying to reset it but didn't receive the reset email, this is article might help.

What you can try

If you’re struggling to reset your password because your reset password email hasn’t arrived, try the following steps.

For appFor web
  1. Try requesting the email again at login by tapping "Forgot password?" Make sure to check that you’ve entered the correct email address.

  2. The reset email will be sent to the email address you’ve entered.
  3. If the email still hasn’t arrived, check your junk or spam inbox.

Valid for 30 minutes

Keep in mind that the reset password email is only valid for 30 minutes. Request the email again by tapping "Forgot password?" again if you weren’t able to reset your password in time.

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